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An interactive, multi-disciplinary art experiment
The Tucson Fringe Festival is seeking visual artists, performing artists (actors, singers, dancers, acrobats, jugglers, musicians, etc) and spoken word/poetry performers for an exciting new project that blends media in a unique and original display. Part art exhibit, part live interactive performance, this event seeks to create a conversation about how art forms can merge to create something greater than the sum of its parts.
The exhibit / event will take place at Steinfeld Warehouse on Saturday July 20, 2019.

How to Participate
Visual Artists: Submit a portfolio or photo sample of your work, and an artist statement (max. 250 words) to info@tucsonfringe.org before June 5th. Up to 10 artists will be chosen to participate.
Performing Artists: Submit a resume and artist statement describing your experience, your strengths, your process, your philosophy (250 words) to info@tucsonfringe.org before June 5th. You may apply as a solo performer or in pairs. Solo performers may be paired. Up to 20 performers will be chosen to participate.
Poets / Spoken Word Performers: Submit a sample or two of your work and artist statement (250 words) to info@tucsonfringe.org before June 5th. Up to 10 writers/performers will be chosen to participate.
Visual artists will be matched with one or two performing artists. Together they’ll have until the event (July 20th) to create something (static, interactive, performance) that reflects or enhances each other’s work.
If we have more artists than we have spots, both visual and performing artists will be chosen by lottery. Performers who apply in pairs will be entered into the lottery as a pair.

Photo by Carrie Anne Armes, Creatista Photography, 2019
Do I have to already have a visual work of art created?
No – we just want to see a sample of the type of work you do.
As a visual artist, will I have a say in the reflection / performance aspect?
Yes – the idea is to collaborate with others to create something that neither of you could create on your own – it may be a visual piece and a performance piece – it may be static – it may be interactive. You’re only restricted by the creativity of your team and public decency laws.
As a performing artist, will I have a say in the reflection / performance aspect?
Yes – see above.
Are there any restrictions as far as theme, genre, or message?
While the Tucson Fringe Festival doesn’t censor or jury our artists, we do ask that you use the Fringe mission and philosophy to inform your work. The Fringe staff reserves the right not to include work that is deemed counter to the mission and philosophy of the Tucson Fringe Festival. (see below)
Who owns the work when it’s completed?
Those who created the work will retain full ownership of the work. You may choose to auction any physical piece of the work created on the night of the event. In that case, we ask that you make a 10% donation to the Tucson Fringe Festival.
Fringe Festival mission statement: To produce an annual unjuried, uncensored festival of theater and performing arts events in downtown Tucson that provide accessible and inclusive opportunities for theater and performing artists and audiences.
Fringe Festival Values: Tucson Fringe Festival Inc. is founded in equal opportunity for all. We believe diversity fuels the spirit, fosters meaningful connections, and cultivates a beautifully creative and conscientious community. We value everyone’s unique self and understand each person has different abilities and capacities. We are committed to inclusion across identity including but not limited to ethnicity, culture, gender, age, religion, orientation, and experience.