Venue Spotlight: Studio One

The next featured venue for the Tucson Fringe Festival is Studio ONE. Their Facebook Page is titled “Studio ONE A Space for Art and Activism.” They view themselves as a space for contemporary visual, video, and performance art and theatre. As their title on Facebook suggests, they seek to highlight social justice issues. They have hosted several visual and performing art shows related to social issues such as immigration and transgender rights, just to name a couple. It is a small, intimate venue giving the artists the opportunity to connect with audiences. TucsonFringe is proud to share Studio ONE’s mission for arts activism, and we hope to continue breaking boundaries in theatre with the help of such venues.

Here’s what some people have said about the space: “Studio ONE is an eclectic space that is able to transform into anything you can envision. I enjoy how adaptable the space is and how flexible the owner is. The location is also extremely convenient. I definitely recommend renting this studio for any art exhibitions or small events!” “Studio ONE showcases some wonderful artists and hosts as a venue intriguing and enjoyable events. Downtown Tucson and the community are blessed by its presence.”

This is Studio ONE’s second year working with the festival and last year they helped us introduce the first “Fringe Lounge.” The loading dock next to Studio ONE will house the Fringe Lounge again this year and serve as a spot for artists and audiences to stop for a rest and to hang out between shows. Fringe Lounge will also act as the customer service area for the festival where anyone can offer feedback, resolve issues, or purchase tickets in advance. While the loading dock is technically a part of Studio ONE, but we are treating it as a separate venue. There are no performances in the Fringe Lounge this year but it will be open for our audience member from January 10th-12th.
We hope to see you at Studio One during the 2020 Fringe Festival! Either as a guest in our Fringe Lounge or an audience member for one of our six shows there. This year the performances in Studio One include: “You’ve Got to be Kidding Me – a live podcast,” “Men are Garbage,” “Silly Women,” “Sexology: The Musical,” “Blood and Water,” and “The Green Man Recalls.” See more details about these shows here and buy your tickets today here!