Virtual Festival

With the pandemic situation changing each week, we at the Tucson Fringe Festival had planned to not plan or have any kind of festival this coming year. Perhaps we needed a break. As we saw what other festivals were doing and how they were adapting, we decided we needed some kind of event. We’ll have a virtual festival in January instead of in-person performances, but we’re doing things a little different. To make things easier for us and easier for the performers, we are paying the performers for their creative works and offering free performances.
We will ask for a suggested donation so that we may continue to lighten the burden on those of us in the entertainment sector. We’re here to help the community and give artists, who may not always find a platform to express themselves, a place to call home. If it’s important to you as a performer, it’s important to us. All the details will be released tomorrow morning. If you’re not on our email list, signup below so you can stay up-to-date with all things Tucson Fringe. Tomorrow (Sept 1) look for the link in the top menu for the “Virtual Fringe Application.”
In Other Fringe News…
The Tucson Fringe Festival is looking for new board members. We are seeking business professionals with experience in either entertainment, business, marketing, finance, or non-profit organization. Our festival is growing and we find ourselves struggling to keep up with that growth. If you don’t believe you can commit enough time to being on our Board of Directors, you can also volunteer your time now and then. Visit our Volunteer/Join the Board Application page and fill out the form if you’re interested. Even if you’re undecided, fill out the form and introduce yourself. We enjoy meeting new people!
All we ask of any of you today is to share this information with your friends, family, and colleagues. Share on all the social media things. Also, if you’re a past fringe performer, or a past audience member, share your experiences and any photos you have with us. You can send them in an email at or tag us on social media. We want to know more about the people who’ve helped Tucson Fringe for the last nine years.