Applications are Open!

Applications are now open for the 2024 Tucson Fringe Festival. You can find all the details on our Performance Application Page on our website. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at We have several new changes this year to the application so be sure to read through everything before applying. We look forward to seeing some new applicants as well as some old friends. Details on the Lottery Party will be announced once things are finalized. Thank you all for joining us for another year of fringe in the desert.
applicationapplicationsarizonacomedydanceFestivalFringehighbrowlive performancelowbrowmagicmusicalmusical theatreperformanceperformance applicationperformance applicationsperformance artperformancesperformersperforming artsstanduptheatertheatreTucsonTucson Fringe Festivaltucson theatertucson theatretucsonfringevariety entertainment