Passes On Sale Now!

2-Show Passes and 5-Show Passes for the 12th Tucson Fringe Festival are on sale now. All passes include the Fringe Admission Button. 2-Show Passes (2 Tickets) are $25 and $10 from each ticket goes directly to the artists. 5-Show Passes (5 Tickets) are $55 and $10 from each ticket goes directly to the artists. Individual show tickets will go on sale January 2, 2024. The festival is January 24-28, 2024. Buy Passes Now!
Are you on Facebook?
Be sure to check out our Facebook Page, give us a like, and check out the Facebook event. Tell us if you’re going or interested in going. You can even share comments and photos of past fringe festivals.
Moved away from Tucson?
That’s okay! You can still show us some support by sharing the festival details with friends and connections who still live in Tucson.
There will be more information in the next week or two about all the shows and artists coming in January. Keep an eye out for details.