Tucson Fringe Fest 2020 By the Numbers

Paola Garcia-Prieto/ December 9, 2019

We are excited to give you guys a breakdown of the ninth annual Tucson Fringe Festival! As is the nature of Fringe Festivals, we have a large variety of shows for you to choose from, many of which cannot be contained to one single category. Nevertheless, we surveyed each of our artists to give you, dear reader, an overview of what our upcoming festival festival has in store for you.

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Venue Spotlight: Studio One

Paola Garcia-Prieto/ December 2, 2019

The next featured venue for the Tucson Fringe Festival is Studio ONE. Their Facebook Page is titled “Studio ONE A Space for Art and Activism.” They view themselves as a space for contemporary visual, video, and performance art and theatre. As their title on Facebook suggests, they seek to highlight social justice issues. They have hosted several visual and performing art shows related to social issues such as immigration and transgender rights, just

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Hyde at The Screening Room Canceled

James Pack/ January 12, 2019

The artists for Hyde were unfortunately in a car accident and their performances are canceled for the rest of the festival. If you purchased tickets online in advance, they will be refunded. The artists are home and resting but unable to perform. Thank you to everyone who supported the show and we wish for a speedy recovery for the artists. The canceled showtimes are 1:30pm and 4:30pm Saturday, January 12,

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