Why Sponsor?
With 10,000+ website page views and hundreds of programs distributed during the festival; this is a great way to support the arts.
- 600+ people attend the three-day Tucson Fringe Festival.
- Hundreds more attend our other events downtown.
- The Festival takes place all over Downtown Tucson.
- Every year, Tucson Fringe produces 50+ performances over 3 days at multiple venues.
- Fringe artists and festival attendees come from all over the country and the world.
- Fringe artists and festival attendees stay in downtown venues and shop and eat in downtown establishments.
- Year-round social media promotion
- 1,500+ Facebook followers
- 450+ Twitter followers
- 1,100+ Instagram followers
- 175+ YouTube subscribers
- 1,100+ Newsletter recipients
Value-In-Kind Sponsorship
While every non-profit likes to receive financial sponsorships, Tucson Fringe likes to highlight our Value-In-Kind Sponsorship options. Some of the rewards can include receiving free passes to the festival in January or even getting some Fringe T-shirts. Below are just a few examples of how you can sponsor Tucson Fringe.
- We put your advertisement in our program, and you put our advertisement in your program. This can also include social media shoutouts or email newsletter mentions.
- You give us 10% off, $1 off, free “something” coupons and based on the value of how much you want to give, we’ll give you the best sponsorship level option.
- You provide your services to Tucson Fringe at no charge, and we provide you with the best sponsorship level option based on the value you quote us for your services.
- You can donate your old equipment and electronics to Tucson Fringe. This can include tablet devices, smart phones, loudspeakers, sound equipment, outdoor canopy tents, outdoor heaters, etc…
- Donate products for Tucson Fringe to giveaway or sell such as food and beverages or whatever product your company creates.
- If you have a spare bedroom you’d be willing to allow a stranger from another state to use, you’d be helping an artist save money on travel expenses and get free passes to the festival in January.
Financial Sponsorship Levels
All sponsorship levels include having your business name or personal name included in our festival program.
- A text only ad in our digital program during the festival weekend
- Your business logo on our website for 12 months
- Your business logo on our website for 12 months
- An eighth-page ad in our digital program during the festival weekend
- Your business logo on our website for 12 months
- A quarter-page ad in our digital program during the festival weekend
- Your logo on festival signage during the festival weekend
- Your business logo on our website for 12 months
- A half-page ad in our digital program during the festival weekend
- Your logo on festival signage during the festival weekend
- Your logo on festival posters and fliers during the festival weekend
- Your business logo on our website for 12 months
- A full-page ad in our digital program during the festival weekend
- Your logo on festival signage during the festival weekend
- Your logo on festival posters and fliers during the festival weekend
- Your logo on festival T-shirts during the festival weekend
These are our basic packages. We can work with you to create a custom sponsorship package that suits your business needs. This can include having a table at one or more of our events to inform attendees about your business or products, or even sell items for your business. This can include hosting the festival opening night or closing night party at your venue. Share with us how you would like to support Tucson Fringe and we can work out something that’s beneficial to all.
Do you have something else in mind? Let’s talk! Fill out our Contact Form.